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Valuable Tips on Running For Good Health


Valuable Tips on Running For Good Health

Everyone knows that running is a great way to get into shape, but it can also benefit almost every part of your body as well as lift your mood. Whether it's your favorite part of the day or something you have to push yourself through, the benefits are undeniable. You should consider adding some running to your routine today.

However, it is important to note that before going on a run, you need  to prepare your body for it.

Is running good exercise?

Running is a popular form of exercise for a reason. It doesn’t need much equipment in preparation and you can do it just about anywhere or anytime it is convenient for you. Plus, experts say it improves heart health

Running, or jogging, is one of the best cardio exercises you can perform. Running for at least 10 minutes a day can significantly lower your risk of cardiovascular disease. Runners can lower their chances of dying from heart disease by half.

It also lowers your resting heart rate, the number of times your heart beats per minute when you’re at rest. This is an important indicator of your overall health and fitness. The lower the rate, the more efficient your heartbeat and the less work your heart is doing to keep your body functioning in a healthy state.

What would be a particularly good stretching exercise to do before going on a run ?

Stretching is an essential part of almost every workout — especially running. Even going on a short jog works your muscles, and many doctors recommend stretching both before and after exercise.

Because exercise can shorten your muscles, skipping your post-activity stretch can decrease your mobility over time and also avoid pain and fatigue afterwards. Stretching keeps the muscles in the body flexible, so that they can perform at their fullest range of motion.

It is a good habit to stretch the following muscles before running

Is running an aerobic exercise? What type of exercise is running?

Aerobic exercise is known as “cardio.” It involves training that conditions your heart, such as running or cycling.

Aerobic exercise is any cardiovascular conditioning or “cardio.” During cardiovascular conditioning, your breathing and heart rate increase for a sustained period of time. Examples of aerobic exercise include swimming laps, running, or cycling.

During aerobic exercise, you breathe faster and deeper than when your heart rate is at rest. You’re maximizing the amount of oxygen in the blood. Your heart rate goes up, increasing blood flow to the muscles and back to the lungs.

How to run faster exercises

Getting faster is sometimes a difficult task to manage.Here are a few things you may want to try to help you run faster.

Jump Squats -- For 4 weeks do 8 sets of 4 reps. In the following four weeks, do 4 sets with 8 reps. 3 minutes rest between each set

Hip flexor training -- For 8 weeks, perform this movement at least three times per week. 3 sets of 10 reps.

Eccentric Romanian deadlifts -- 10 reps. Perform this exercise twice a week for 6 weeks. Add one set each week, with six sets by week 6. This helps maximum speed sprinting.

Is running in place a good exercise ?

If you are someone who is new to the world of fitness and/or are currently inactive in regards to your exercise routine, running on the spot may well be the ideal place for you to start building up your fitness to work towards more challenging forms of exercise. 

On the spot running is good when implemented into a warm-up, cool-down or a HIIT-based workout. You can very easily increase the intensity to make it more challenging. 

When compared with regular running, running on the spot may not be as intense, but it still ultimately elevates your heart rate, circulates greater volumes of blood to working muscles and improves your cardiovascular fitness. When starting out, if convenient, running on the spot in water can be a great way to start and also easier as all your muscles are supported by the water.

Is running a weight bearing exercise ?

Weight-bearing exercise that makes you move against gravity while staying upright has long been known to build bone density.

Any exercise that places force on a bone will strengthen the bone. Some examples of weight-bearing exercise include:

  • Running
  • Walking
  • Weight-lifting
  • Hiking
  • Strength Training (such as push-ups, lunges, squats)

What supplements to take for running ?

The first question we need to answer is – do you need supplements to be the best runner you can be?

Supplements are designed to be just what their name implies – a supplementation to your daily intake if you’re not getting enough of a compound through your diet.

That said, most runners don’t eat the perfect diet all the time. Work, family, stress and a bunch of other factors lead to us often being low in critical vitamins, minerals and micronutrients that can improve our health and our performance, which may avoid muscle stiffness, soreness or fatigue.

Here are a few supplements to consider if you are an active runner

Recent research indicates that almost 56% percent of joggers and competitive runners suffer from an iron deficiency that severely hampers performance. That’s because runners lose more iron than most athletes due to a number of factors, such as losing iron through a process called foot strike hemolysis as well as through sweat and the GI tract.

Vitamin D
A 2008 study at the Cooper Clinic in Dallas found that 75 percent of runners averaging 20 miles a week have low vitamin D levels.As a result, the recommended daily intake for vitamin D has increased in recent years, particularly for runners. Athletes should pay special attention to meeting these new requirements for vitamin D.

As you may already know, running causes the muscles to break down and form micro tears, which need to be repaired in order to get stronger and faster.

The body needs energy for the anabolic process to occur. With an adequate supply of energy and nutrients, the body can quickly rebuild muscle and allow you to recover faster.  However, when your body doesn’t have adequate fuel to sustain the anabolic process, it begins to break down muscle to supply the body with the energy it needs. Protein is by far the best macronutrient to aid in the fueling of the anabolic process and to prevent catabolism. 

D Ribose can help with energy, refer below for more information. 

CoQ10 is a vitamin-like, fat-soluble substance existing in all cells, but its bioavailability is very low (meaning your body is not very efficient at absorbing it. This is why supplementation may have such a direct impact.Using CoQ10 with Bioperine is a great choice as CoQ10 becomes more bioavailable and useful for the body.

D Ribose
D-ribose is a component of the structure of ATP, the main energy source for your cells.

For this reason, research has examined whether ATP supplements can help improve energy stores in muscle cells.

After periods of intense exercise, D-ribose supplements help recover stores of ATP in muscle cells. This means muscles are not starved of energy when required which may lead to a healthier state post exercise, with little or no soreness or fatigue. 


In summary, running or jogging can be a great way to get into shape and benefit almost every part of your body including a healthy mind. The benefits are many and there are also various ways to increase your benefits and performance by eating well, preparation prior and the use of supplements. 



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