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Boost Sleep Quality And Sleeping Tips To Get More From Your Sleep...Why This Matters


About 70 million Americans suffer from sleep disorders and it is estimated that over a quarter of  adults in America have trouble sleeping most nights. A staggering 164 million Americans are struggling with sleep at least once a week. 


Importance of Sleep and Why Quality Sleep Matters

     Most people have very bad sleep fitness and waste a lot of time falling asleep each night, sound familiar? In this article, you’ll learn exactly how to improve the quality of your sleep so that you can reap the full benefits that sleep has to offer. Research links stress to sleep quality. In fact, several studies associate high stress levels to a higher risk of sleep issues, poorer sleep quality and reduced sleep duration as well as many other health issues.    


        It is a fact, the better you sleep the healthier you get and the healthier you get the faster you recover and the less you need sleep. Although most of us know the importance of sleep and that we need to get an appropriate amount each night, why do many of us experience sleep deprivation or some sort of sleep disorder? Here are some really important and practical sleeping tips. 


    Sleep is directly related to your health and your life. For example, the amount and quality of sleep one gets each night has been shown to have significant effects on weight loss and weight gain. More importantly, getting high quality sleep is important to ensure you have a high quality, productive day and to maintain great health. A good sleep promotes skin health, anti aging for a youthful appearance, controls optimal insulin secretion and encourages healthy cell division which means less disease and illness with increased immunity. 

     Sleeping well is also extremely important in ensuring high quality brain function, memory, longevity, and productivity throughout your life. Quality sleep also promotes enhanced athletic performance, among many other things such as important production of hormones. To be healthier we need to be and remain calm and the more calm the better. 



Sleep Quality vs Quantity: The 8 hour Myth


You probably remember being told in school or on the television that everyone needs a minimum of 8 hours of sleep each night in order to be healthy. However, there have been studies showing that there is no statistical reason to sleep more than 6 and a half hours every night. 

 What this points to is that the quality of your sleep is ultimately more important than the quantity.   Individuals who are extremely healthy and maximize their sleep quality can feel rested and energized on 6 and a half hours or less of sleep, while those with low sleep quality may need even more than 8 hours to feel halfway decent! Keeping your stress levels down allows for more quality sleep.



So, what is in the way?

In order to maximize the quality of your sleep, it’s important to understand and incorporate the following things.


The Link between Food and Sleep Deprivation

There is actually a direct link between your dietary habits and your sleep quality. What you eat significantly impacts your sleep, and as mentioned earlier your sleep will influence fluctuations in your weight (loss or gain).

The best foods for improving sleep quality will contain Vitamin D and or Vitamin K2. These are foods like:

  • Fatty fish (sardines, mackerel, salmon)
  • Fortified milks and cereals
  • Cheese
  • Eggs
  • Grass-fed animal products (beef, lamb, etc)
  • Grass-fed butter

Why are Vitamins D and K2 supplements so important?

Waking up groggy can affect your day significantly and we all know how terrible that feels. Life is too short to wake up tired. As Vitamin D is responsible for acting on hundreds of our genes and as it serves as part of many of our important hormones it is no wonder things do not go so well without it.

Most people simply don’t get enough Vitamin D naturally as modern life contributes to our Vitamin D deficiency, with most people working inside, wearing lots of clothes, or using sunscreen or avoiding sunlight. Modern life has taken away from our bodies naturally making Vitamin D.


Can We Do More? The Importance of Taking Rhodiola Rosea to Avoid Stress and Sleep Disorders 

Rhodiola Rosea is the ideal energy, mood and performance support and  we all have the power to control our stress tolerance and mental energy without harmful ingredients and even the usual medications. This can lead to more calm and better sleep. Effectively maintain stress relief and calm so you can lower your stress hormones effectively.   Rhodiola supplement is known for assisting the body to lower important cortisol levels so you can cope adapt and reduce your stress and increase focus. Rhodiola Rosea is also known to provide better energy levels, mood, all leading to a better night’s sleep and getting a good night's sleep is important in improving many aspects of your life.


Get Yours and Take Control 

Sleep is extremely important for regulating health in your body and optimizing your productivity levels each day. If you want to improve your sleep, you need to look at improving sleep quality rather than sleep quantity. A great way to do this is by incorporating Rhodiola Rosea supplements in your diet.  

 Supplementing with high quality all natural Rhodiala Rosea with our 450mg capsule 900mg daily dose standardized with 3% Rosavins and 1% Salidrosides is important as it is formulated to be pure and effective. Boostceuticals have made it easy in an all in one easy to swallow capsule to be taken twice a day. 

Be on your way to maximizing the quality of your sleep for better life outcomes for you and your family.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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