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Quercetin and Weight Loss: How This Powerful Antioxidant Can Help You Shed Pounds


Quercetin and Weight Loss: How This Powerful Antioxidant Can Help You Shed Pounds

If you're looking to lose weight, quercetin may be able to help. This powerful antioxidant has been shown to boost metabolism and help burn fat, making it an effective weight loss aid.

You know—those fruits and vegetables touted by “gurus” in the health and fitness industry. Think of foods that, well, require an acquired taste to enjoy such as Kale. Red Onions. Broccoli. 
Maybe you’ve written the whole thing off as a marketing ploy, and with good reason, too. The bold weight-loss claims surrounding them would make even the most optimistic of us suspicious. Just another fad. Too good to be true, right? 
Well, let’s dig a little deeper.
What many people don’t know is that these foods are “super” because of naturally-occurring compounds called flavonoids. One flavonoid in particular, Quercetin, or simply QT in the medical world, has gained popularity as a dietary supplement.
Research links quercetin to antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and even antihistaminic (allergy-relieving) properties. This means that Quercetin can help you stay healthy by:
  • reducing swelling
  • balancing blood sugar
  • fighting off allergies
  • reducing the risks of cancer and heart disease
While most research has focused on the benefits listed above, studies also show that quercetin can help those of us struggling to lose weight. There are no magic cures, of course, but quercetin can help you gain a valuable edge while achieving your ideal body.
Let’s look at some of the science behind this. 

Quercetin for Weight loss and Your Best Body

It’s no secret that losing weight can be tricky. For most of us, our bodies resist the process of losing fat1. By triggering a slower metabolism and releasing hunger-inducing hormones, your body works against you while you’re sweating it out in the gym or preparing a healthy meal in the kitchen. This is one reason why many of us feel overwhelmed at the beginning of our weight-loss journey. 

Diet and exercise are good first steps to losing weight. But quercetin can help you along the way.  As a dietary supplement, it contains properties that increase physical performance and decrease body fat. 

Let's break down some of the documented effects.


  • The more calories you burn, the more weight you lose, right? Studies2 link quercetin, when taken as an athletic supplement, to reducing muscle damage and body-fat percentage. In other words, quercetin helps you train harder and longer with less rest between sessions, making for a more effective workout regimen. Further, studies3 also suggest that quercetin improves both athletic performance and physical endurance. 
  • Quercetin naturally speeds up the weight-loss process4. As a dietary supplement, it blocks the formation of fat cells, known in the medical world as adipocytes. Quercetin achieves this by inhibiting obesity-induced inflammation and suppressing protein levels in adipogenic, destroying mature fat cells and blocking the production of new ones.
  • As mentioned above, the antioxidant properties5 of quercetin help balance blood sugar levels. Insulin is a hormone that regulates glucose in the bloodstream. An increase in glucose leads to an increase in insulin. This signals the body to store the excess glucose as fat. Studies suggest that quercetin can help stabilize glucose levels by inhibiting insulin secretion and glucose absorption.

How does quercetin manage metabolic syndrome and diabetes?

The research suggests that quercetin may offer protection against various components of metabolic syndrome. Studies have shown that quercetin can reduce systolic blood pressure, plasma lipids, and insulin levels in obese, insulin-resistant rats. Additionally, quercetin has been observed to improve the over-aggressive inflammatory status associated with metabolic syndrome. These findings indicate that quercetin may have potential applications in managing metabolic syndrome and reducing the risk of developing diabetes.

What is metabolic syndrome?

Metabolic syndrome refers to a cluster of risk factors that are associated with an increased risk of developing diabetes. These risk factors include high blood pressure, elevated levels of lipids in the blood, insulin resistance, and an over-aggressive inflammatory status. Metabolic syndrome is considered a common and potentially life-threatening condition.

How does quercetin help balance blood sugar levels?

Quercetin helps balance blood sugar levels by inhibiting insulin secretion and glucose absorption. Insulin is the hormone responsible for regulating glucose in the bloodstream. When glucose levels increase, insulin is released to signal the body to store the excess glucose as fat. Studies suggest that quercetin can stabilize glucose levels by suppressing insulin secretion and reducing the absorption of glucose.

What were the findings of the 2008 study conducted by Spanish researchers?

In a study conducted by Spanish researchers and published in the journal Obesity, it was found that quercetin administered to obese, insulin-resistant rats resulted in several positive outcomes. These rats experienced a reduction in systolic blood pressure, plasma lipids, and insulin levels. Furthermore, the study observed an improvement in the over-aggressive inflammatory status that these rats typically exhibit. The higher dose of quercetin also led to an increase in the expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase, an enzyme responsible for generating nitric oxide, which is known to protect blood vessels. These findings suggest that quercetin may have a potential protective effect against various components of metabolic syndrome.

How has quercetin been traditionally used in Chinese folk medicine?

Quercetin has been traditionally used in Chinese folk medicine to treat type 2 diabetes. Chinese folk medicine often utilizes a quercetin-rich plant called Euonymus alatus for this purpose.

How does quercetin impact longevity and life span?

Quercetin, a flavonoid found in various plant-based foods, has been shown to have a significant impact on longevity and life span. Extensive research has demonstrated that quercetin supplements can directly affect the life span of organisms, even in laboratory settings. The evidence suggests that quercetin increases resistance to oxidative stress, which is known to contribute to aging. For example, studies conducted on laboratory yeast cells have shown that quercetin supplementation can extend their life span by up to 60%. Further investigations conducted on the roundworm C. Elegans have provided additional insights into the effects of quercetin on longevity. Biologists at Humboldt University in Berlin observed that feeding these tiny worms diets rich in flavonoids, including quercetin, improved their overall health and longevity. Upon closer examination, they discovered that these positive effects were specifically linked to the quercetin content of the diet. In fact, they were able to identify four specific genes that appear to be activated by quercetin, shedding light on the precise mechanisms through which this nutrient influences longevity. Additionally, the beneficial effects of quercetin on longevity may be linked to its ability to mimic the effects of caloric restriction. Caloric restriction has been known to extend the life span of animals, and possibly even humans. Several studies have indicated that quercetin can mimic the beneficial biological effects of caloric restriction, potentially contributing to increased longevity. Importantly, quercetin also demonstrates its impact on human health. Neuroscientists in Kentucky have discovered that pre-treating brain cells with quercetin can protect them from the harmful effects of beta-amyloid, a toxic protein found in Alzheimer's disease. Quercetin appears to reduce the damage caused by free radicals, which are known to contribute to the progression of Alzheimer's disease. In summary, extensive research suggests that quercetin has a direct effect on increasing longevity and life span. It enhances resistance to oxidative stress, activates specific genes, mimics the benefits of caloric restriction, and demonstrates protective effects on brain cells. These findings highlight the potential of quercetin as a beneficial nutrient in promoting a longer and healthier life.

Is there evidence of quercetin's usefulness in clinical trials for cancer treatment?

Yes, there is evidence of quercetin's usefulness in clinical trials for cancer treatment. Multiple clinical studies have been conducted to investigate the potential benefits of quercetin in preventing and treating cancer. In an early Phase I clinical trial, quercetin was administered to patients with different types of cancer and it was observed that the activity of enzymes crucial for tumor growth decreased in the majority of the patients. Notably, two patients with advanced cancers that had failed to respond to standard chemotherapy experienced significant drops in chemical tumor markers during the study.

Furthermore, a group of oncologists from the Cleveland Clinic conducted a study involving patients with familial adenomatous polyposis, an inherited condition that often leads to cancerous growths in the colon. In this study, quercetin was combined with curcumin, another compound known for its anti-inflammatory and tumor-blocking properties. Over the course of six months, all five patients experienced a reduction in both the size and number of colonic polyps, with minimal side effects and no evidence of any abnormalities in laboratory tests.

Based on these clinical trials, quercetin has shown promising results in terms of its ability to combat cancer and its potential for both prevention and treatment. However, further controlled trials are strongly recommended in order to gain a deeper understanding of the specific cancer-fighting abilities of quercetin.

What is the role of quercetin in cancer prevention and therapy?

Quercetin plays a significant role in both cancer prevention and therapy. Its ability to inhibit cell proliferation, promote programmed cell death, and minimize DNA damage has sparked interest in utilizing it as a cancer-preventive nutrient. Epidemiologic studies have suggested a correlation between the intake of quercetin and other flavonoids and a reduced risk of certain cancers.

Numerous experiments have demonstrated the potential of quercetin in preventing or slowing tumor development in various types of cancer, including those affecting the brain, liver, colon, and other tissues. This preclinical evidence has paved the way for clinical trials, where evidence of quercetin's usefulness has been rapidly accumulating.

In an early Phase I clinical trial, quercetin was administered to patients with different cancer types, resulting in decreased activity of enzymes necessary for tumor growth in a majority of the patients studied. In two patients with advanced cancers that were non-responsive to standard chemotherapy, significant decreases in chemical tumor markers were observed during the course of the study.

A recent study conducted by Cleveland Clinic oncologists focused on patients with familial adenomatous polyposis, an inherited condition that leads to the development of numerous colonic polyps with the potential to turn cancerous. In this study, quercetin was combined with curcumin, another nutrient known for its anti-inflammatory and tumor-blocking properties. The treatment and follow-up over six months revealed a reduction in both the size (60%) and number of polyps (51%) in all patients. The treatment showed minimal adverse effects and no evidence of laboratory abnormalities.

Consequently, the gathered evidence strongly suggests that quercetin has potential in both cancer prevention and therapy. Further exploration through larger controlled trials is highly encouraged to fully understand and utilize its cancer-fighting abilities.


Doses and Other Information


By eating a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables, most people can get up to 5 to 100 mg of quercetin per day.

The effective dose increases, however, when taken as a dietary supplement. In this way, typical dosages range from 500 to 1,000 mg, daily. 

If you have prior health conditions or take medications, speak with your medical provider before taking Quercetin.





Quercetin is a compound found in many superfoods. If you think of any nutrient-dense fruit or vegetable, chances are it contains quercetin. When taken as a dietary supplement, it can help you stay healthy, lose weight, and restore confidence.

Recommendation: Boostceuticals Quercetin 500mg 200 Vegan Capsules taken once or twice daily, best between meals; or as directed by your healthcare provider.


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