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Biohacking For A New & Healthy Weight Loss


Biohacking For A New and Healthy Weight Loss

Imagine for a second that you didn’t need to diet any longer. That your body just knew what to do with the food you ate and weight loss came naturally?

What if your body was conditioned in a way to burn fat faster 24 hours each and every day? Would that help?

The problem with diets is that they actually affect our bodies automatic switch which enables us to burn fats, as we starve ourselves the brain receives the message that we need to eat and we need to store. The interesting fact is that when we diet we most often reduce healthy fats which is what helps this switch to work well for us, and this way we do not slow or stop burning fat. 


This is an example of what the amazing concept referred to as ‘biohacking’ is all about. To Bio Hack is essentially making changes to your diet or lifestyle that will yield new and significant results and these can be sooner than you think.


Basically, you’re retraining your body to become better and more efficient. In a world where everyone is focusing on the next best diet plan and calorie restriction to help them shed excess weight, it can be refreshing to think that there’s another way which could put an end to dieting forever.

To Bio Hack is essentially making changes to your diet or lifestyle that will yield new and significant results and these can be sooner than you think.

This doesn’t mean biohacking doesn’t come without change. You are going to have to do things to hack your biology, but the good news is that when done, these changes will alter your body chemistry. This can then help you see long-term results with both weight loss as well as overall general health and wellbeing. 

Let’s look further into this concept.  


Nutrition As A Form Of Biohacking

There are many different ways in which people can benefit from a biohacking diet. By altering what you eat or how you eat, you can gain better control over your body’s response to those foods.

For instance, intermittent fasting is a way of biohacking. (waiting 15-18 hours to eat your next meal after finishing your dinner). It’s been proven many times in research that using a protocol of intermittent fasting can help improve insulin sensitivity so your body is less likely to convert carbohydrates to body fat. Remember we need to maintain that on switch, so imagine your fat cells being sacrificed for energy when they normally would not. 

Additionally, because your insulin level is kept very low during the intermittent fasting period, this form of biohacking allows your body to continue to release stored body fat as a fuel source, hence your overall rate of fat burning throughout the day also increases.

Eating a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids also is a form of biohacking as these fats have been proven to help lower whole body inflammation. The lower your inflammation, the less at-risk you are for joint pain, diabetes, heart disease and stroke. Eating omega-3 fatty acids will also help improve insulin sensitivity just as intermittent fasting does, so when you do consume carbohydrates, you’ll be more likely to use them as a fuel source not stored and then converted to fat later. Adding healthy fats also increases satiety and you are fuller longer which also helps. Natural grass fed butter is another healthy fat which is very good at doing this.  

Some may biohack by trying an elimination diet. When you remove certain items from your diet, you may find that your body performs better, thus you’ve one-upped your performance and now have superior control.

Wondering which foods a bio hacker is most likely to eliminate? Some of the top reported ones to focus on include:

  • Processed, sugary foods that contain very little protein
  • Trans fats, vegetable oils
  • Foods that contain artificial sweeteners and/or other unnatural ingredients

Wondering which foods a bio hacker is most likely to eliminate? Some of the top reported ones to focus on include: 

  • Processed, sugary foods that contain very little protein
  • Trans fats, vegetable oils 
  • Foods that contain artificial sweeteners and/or other unnatural ingredients
biohacking 101

In Summary

eat healthy

You might be asking yourself right now, what’s the difference between biohacking your body and just going on a diet or exercise program? 

The key difference is you are taking control and you are changing your bodies results. 

With biohacking, you’re not accepting your body’s shortcomings and you are doing something to try and gain control over how your body operates and how it burns fat. 

You are also making changes to restore control after the negative effects of previous diets. So in a sense you aren’t just doing a program – you’re making real change and a real difference. 

When you approach nutrition this way, you can be considered a biohacker and you may just find you have a much more successful fat loss, weight management journey, as well as increased energy in your day each and every day.


  1. Halberg, Nils, et al. "Effect of intermittent fasting and refeeding on insulin action in healthy men." Journal of applied physiology 99.6 (2005): 2128-2136.
  2. Lee, Changhan, and Valter Longo. "Dietary restriction with and without caloric restriction for healthy aging." F1000Research 5 (2016).
  3. Simopoulos, Artemis P. "Omega-3 fatty acids in inflammation and autoimmune diseases." Journal of the American College of nutrition 21.6 (2002): 495-505.

Shannon Clark
Guest Writer. Shannon holds a Degree in Exercise Science and Sports Performance. Shannon is a freelance health and fitness writer who has been working in health and fitness for the last 12 years.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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