The Top Five Uses for Reishi Mushroom Supplements

Top Five Uses for Reishi Mushroom Supplements
For centuries Reishi has been one of the most widely used mushrooms in natural medicine. Grown in different parts of Asia, this fungus is also known by the name Lingzhi. It may be consumed raw or often it is consumed in a powdered form, most commonly also consumed in a capsule which contains a measured dose and provides convenience.
Boosts the immune system
Probably the most important and amazing effect of consuming Reishi Mushroom is that it helps you boost your immune system.
Several test-tube experiments have shown that Reishi may have an effect on the wthite blood cells, which are critical for the healthy operation of our immune system. These studies came to the conclusion that this mushroom may alter inflammation pathways in white blood cells.

Some tests within cancer patients have shown that some of the molecules found in Reishi can increase the activity of a type of white blood cell called natural killer cells. Their purpose is to fight against infections and cancer in the body.
A different study related to colon cancer, showed that under the influence of Reishi Mushroom there is an increase in the lymphocytes (other types of white blood cells). The studies have been conducted with people fighting different illnesses but it is believed that Reishi can help healthy people too.
A different study related to colon cancer, showed that under the influence of Reishi Mushroom there is an increase in the lymphocytes (other types of white blood cells). The studies have beOverall there is much evidence that Reishi Mushroom is beneficial for our immunity which impacts white blood cells and provides various valuable benefits. en conducted with people fighting different illnesses but it is believed that Reishi can help healthy people too.
Acts as an anti-inflammatory agent
One of the most important properties of Reishi Mushroom extracts is their anti-inflammatory capacity. Since we know that inflammation is a leading cause of illness and disease this is very important and significant. For people suffering from arthritis or gout, Reishi extracts can be very helpful. Reishi Mushrooms have also been used and relied on for relieving headaches.
Helps improve cardiovascular health
Reishi Mushrooms have more than 400 different nutrients. This includes beta-glucans and triterpenoids, compounds that can lower blood sugar and blood pressure levels, reducing your diabetes and heart disease risk.
Studies show the mushrooms also have high antioxidant activity, which protects your body from cell damage that can increase your risk of many chronic diseases.

Reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression
We have already discussed the effects Reishi has on the immune system, but it also have some more great benefits that we can rely on.
It is believed that Reishi helps with reducing fatigue and depression and overall can help us to improve our quality of life. One study examined the effects of Reishi Mushrooms in 132 people with neurasthenia – a condition associated with aches, pains, dizziness, headaches and irritability.
In only 8 weeks the study has found that fatigue was reduced and well-being was improved with taking supplements with Reishi.
Another study found that fatigue was reduced and quality of life was improved after 4 weeks of taking Reishi powder in a group of 48 breast cancer survivors. People have reported that they experience less depression and anxiety.
We have to say that mental health is one of the most important things to look after and we should not neglect that aspect of our life. So the power we all have, including our physical health comes from within.
Supports healthy brain function
Studies conducted in 2012 have determined that the Reishi Mushroom can have highly therapeutic effects on neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Huntington’s disease. It was shown that Reishi extract supports the production of nerve growth factor, a protein that is vital for healthy neurological function.
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