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Natural Home Remedies Vertigo - Explained

Vertigo is a disorder that causes unsteadiness and dizziness, which can interfere with daily activities and make people feel lost. Why is this so important? 

One reason, the alarming fact about vertigo is its potential to negatively affect the mental health of those experiencing the problem.

Vertigo, because of the sensation of spinning or dizziness, can lead to significant anxiety, panic attacks, and depression in affected individuals. Also, the unpredictable nature of vertigo attacks can disrupt daily activities, affecting quality of life and social interactions.

In addition, the fear of experiencing further vertigo can result in avoidance behaviors and more psychological distress. Therefore, addressing both the physical symptoms and the psychological consequences of vertigo is crucial. These include natural treatments to help reduce symptoms. 

We'll look at a variety of at-home treatments for vertigo in this thorough guide, including exercises, dietary changes, and easy fixes that can help.

How Do We Go About Recognizing Vertigo

Let's further define and understand vertigo first before discussing any treatments. One common description of vertigo is the sensation of movement or spinning while one is still. It frequently affects the balance system and is linked to inner ear issues. Dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and trouble balancing are possible symptoms.

Symptoms of vertigo:


  • Lightheadedness or a spinning feeling
  • Sweating
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Difficulty standing or walking

Natural Treatments for Vertigo

In addition to conventional therapies, home remedies are a helpful resource for treating vertigo. In addition to diet changes and stress-reduction methods, these natural therapies offer other ways to relieve pain and enhance overall health. Let's look at several at-home treatments for vertigo that can help you feel better.

1. The Epley Manoeuvre

This easy exercise is frequently prescribed to treat benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), a disease in which dislodged tiny calcium crystals in the inner ear induce vertigo. Repositioning these crystals and relieving symptoms can be accomplished by the Epley procedure, which entails a series of head motions.

2. Daroff-Brandt Exercises

Another useful strategy for treating vertigo symptoms, especially those brought on by BPPV, is to perform Brandt-Daroff exercises. By repeatedly performing a series of motions throughout the day, these exercises help the brain become accustomed to the irregular signals coming from the inner ear, which eventually lessens the severity of vertigo episodes.

3. Modifications to Diet

Changing one's diet can help with vertigo symptoms because some foods might aggravate them. Think about avoiding or consuming less of:


  • Salt: Consuming too much salt can cause fluid retention in the inner ear, which exacerbates vertigo.
  • Caffeine: Caffeine is a stimulant that can cause or exacerbate vertigo.
  • Alcohol: Drinking alcohol might impair inner ear health and make vertigo symptoms worse.

4. Maintain Hydration

Being dehydrated can make vertigo symptoms worse, so it's critical to drink enough of water all day. Make it a point to stay hydrated by drinking lots of water and limiting your intake of diuretic drinks like tea and coffee.

5. Handling Stress

Since stress can exacerbate vertigo symptoms, including stress-relieving practices into your daily routine, such as yoga, deep breathing exercises, or meditation, may help reduce symptoms and enhance general wellbeing.

6. Gingko Biloba

Popular herbal supplement gingko biloba is well-known for its ability to enhance blood circulation, which includes the circulation to the inner ear. More research is required to prove gingko biloba's usefulness, but some studies suggest it may help lessen the frequency and intensity of vertigo episodes.

7. Sufficient Sleep

It is important to prioritize getting enough sleep because sleep deprivation can worsen vertigo symptoms. Aim for 7 to 9 hours of good sleep every night to improve general health and lessen the chance of experiencing dizziness.

8. Keep Your Posture Correct

The body's balance can be impacted by poor posture, which can intensify vertigo symptoms. Throughout the day, pay attention to your posture, particularly when sitting or standing for lengthy periods of time. Adjust your posture as necessary to maintain optimal alignment.

9. Steer clear of triggering motions

Vertigo episodes can be brought on by specific head movements or postures, therefore it's important to recognize these triggers and stay away from them whenever you can. Deliberate, slow motions can reduce the chance of episodes of vertigo.

Use of acupressure

Using pressure on certain body areas to relieve pain and encourage healing is known as acupressure, an ancient Chinese medical technique. Acupressure points like the following can be gently massaged or applied pressure to alleviate vertigo symptoms in certain people: 


  • The LI-4 point, which is located between the thumb and index finger. 
  • The skull's base (GB-20)
  • Neiguan point, or P6, on the inner wrist

You may aid in enhancing blood flow, lowering stress, and easing vertigo symptoms by activating these areas. Adding acupressure to your daily regimen in addition to other natural therapies will help you manage vertigo better.

Herbal Treatments

Gingko biloba is not the only plant or vitamin that may help with vertigo symptoms. Among them are 3 more:



  • Ginger: Well-known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-nausea qualities, ginger may help reduce nausea and vomiting brought on by vertigo. 


Ginger can be consumed in a variety of ways, including fresh ginger tea and supplements.


  • Valerian Root: Common causes of vertigo include tension and worry. Valerian root is frequently used as a natural cure for these conditions. Valerian root may help ease the symptoms of vertigo by encouraging relaxation and lowering tension.
  • Butcher's Broom: It is thought that butcher's broom enhances blood circulation, which may help those who have vertigo as a result of impaired inner ear circulation. It is a supplement that can help lessen the frequency and intensity of dizziness attacks.

See a healthcare provider to make sure any herbal cures or supplements you try are safe for you. This is especially important if you use medication or have any underlying medical conditions.

Changes in Lifestyle

Making some lifestyle changes can assist control vertigo and lessen its influence on your day-to-day activities in addition to specialized medicines. Think about making the following adjustments:


  • Refraining from Rapid Movements: Try to move slowly and deliberately, especially while shifting positions or rising from a seated or lying down position, as sudden head movements can cause vertigo episodes.
  • Utilizing Assistive Devices: If you frequently get dizziness attacks, utilizing walkers or canes may help you stay stable and lower your chance of falling.
  • Establishing a Vertigo-Friendly Setting: Modify your living space to reduce the possibility of mishaps during bouts of vertigo. This can entail clearing out obstructions, putting in handrails, and putting non-slip mats in the restroom.
  • Seeking Support: Although experiencing vertigo might be lonely, you don't have to go it alone. When you need practical help or emotional support, reach out to friends, family, or support groups.

 Together with other natural therapies, you can establish a nurturing atmosphere that enhances wellness and aids in better vertigo management by implementing these lifestyle changes.

In summary, although vertigo can greatly interfere with daily activities, it is possible to reduce symptoms and restore equilibrium and control by taking the appropriate measures. 

Vertigo can be effectively managed with a variety of natural home treatments, ranging from straightforward workouts and dietary changes to herbal therapies and lifestyle improvements.

It's important to keep in mind that what works for one person could not work for another, so you should always consider your alternatives and choose the one that suits you the best. Additionally, seek the advice and recommendations of a healthcare professional who is specifically adapted to your requirements and circumstances.

You can increase your quality of life and reduce the frequency and intensity of vertigo episodes by being proactive and implementing these natural home remedies into your daily routine.

Leo A Eliades, a qualified medical scientist, is passionate about natural health and education. As the founder of BoostCeuticals since 2012, he's an authority on clean label, pure, natural and vegan supplements, empowering individuals to feel better every day. Explore insights at


Mayo Clinic - Vertigo: Symptoms & Causes

Johns Hopkins Medicine - Home Epley Maneuver

NCBI Bookshelf - Vertigo: An Overview

BoostCeuticals - Your Trusted Partner in Health and Wellness

This blog post is proudly presented by BoostCeuticals, your trusted source for clean label vegan supplements that promote pure and natural wellness. BoostCeuticals take pride in providing meticulously crafted, silica and stearate-free supplements without any potentially harmful additives to boost your well-being. Explore their products for your unique health journey.

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